What do different coloured dog collars and leads mean?

what do different coloured dog collars and leads mean? Petiquette Collars

Did you know that in some countries, the colour of the collar that your dog wears and the lead that you use to walk your dog can have specific meanings?  It may be that your dog has a particular behavioural issue that you’d like to warn other dog walkers of to avoid any possible problems with other dogs.

More common in the US and Australia, the following colour coding shows the possible meanings of different coloured collars and leads.  While it hasn’t really caught on in the UK, some people do use these colours as messages, so it’s always good to be conscious of them when out with your dog.

what do different coloured dog collars and leads mean? Petiquette Collars

Collar And Lead Colour Meanings In Detail

White collar and lead – dog may be deaf or blind and so have limited sight or hearing.

Yellow collar and lead – a nervous dog who could be unpredictable around other dogs and people.  A yellow collar and lead could also mean that the dog is looking for adoption.

Orange collar and lead – this dog is not good with other dogs, so be sure to give them space.

Red collar and lead – take care as the dog may be aggressive or unpredictable.

Green collar and lead – a friendly dog who loves attention.

Blue collar and lead – a service dog or a dog in training.  Do not disturb this dog, as they are working.

Purple collar and lead – Do not feed this dog.

In some instances, rather than using a coloured collar or lead to indicate these messages, people may tie a coloured ribbon to their lead so that it can be easily spotted.  If you notice a ribbon tied to a lead, then you should always be aware of a possible meaning, and always ask.

Showing respect while walking with our dogs

Of course, the colour of the collar and lead may have no meaning other than the owner loves that particular colour, red collars for instance are one of the most popular colours available, and certainly not used solely to warn others of an aggressive dog.  It’s always the best idea however to simply ask a dog owner if it is ok to pet their dog before moving in to do so.

While the use of coloured collars, leads and ribbons may not be widespread, the simple fact of knowing that this system exists can help ensure that all dogs are able to enjoy their walk in public spaces.